Mikrotik Bandwidth Control

Limit the Bandwidth
In order to configure the bandwidth using Mikrotik, Aradial uses VSA (Vendor Specific
Attributes) from Mikrotik:
VSA Definition:
rate-limit (text; default: "") - Rate limitation in form of rx-rate[/tx-rate] [rx-burst-rate[/tx-burstrate]
[rx-burst-threshold[/tx-burst-threshold] [rx-burst-time[/tx-burst-time] [priority] [rx-ratemin[/
tx-rate-min]]]] from the point of view of the router (so "rx" is client upload, and "tx" is client
download). All rates should be numbers with optional 'k' (1,000s) or 'M' (1,000,000s). If tx-rate
is not specified, rx-rate is as tx-rate too. Same goes for tx-burst-rate and tx-burst-threshold and
tx-burst-time. If both rx-burst-threshold and tx-burst-threshold are not specified (but burst-rate
is specified), rx-rate and tx-rate is used as burst thresholds. If both rx-burst-time and tx-bursttime
are not specified, 1s is used as default. Priority takes values 1..8, where 1 implies the
highest priority, but 8 - the lowest. If rx-rate-min and tx-rate-min are not specified rx-rate and txrate
values are used. The rx-rate-min and tx-rate-min values can not exceed rx-rate and tx-rate
Use the following string schema: x1k/y1k x2k/y2k x3k/y3k x5/y5 P x6k/y6k

Memblokir Situs dengan MikrotikRouterOS

Untuk memblokir suatu situs dengan MikrotikRouterOS maka langkahnya adalah:
1. Aktifkan webproxynya
[gungun@smanelaeuy] > ip web-proxy [enter]
[gungun@smanelaeuy] ip web-proxy> set enabled=yes max-ram-cache-size=none max-cache-size=1GB transparent-proxy=yes [enter]
* sesuaikan dengan Hardware Anda!

2. Setelah aktif kemudian lakukan perintah
[gungun@smanelaeuy] ip web-proxy > acc [enter]
[gungun@smanelaeuy] ip web-proxy access> add action=deny comment=”porn situs” url=”*sex*” [enter]
*untuk yang berbau sex
ato klo tau alamatnya
[gungun@smanelaeuy] ip web-proxy access> add action=deny comment=”porn situs” url=”www.17tahun.com” [enter]